Natural disasters strike at unexpected moments and the aftermath is catastrophic. We’re here to help by offering emergency reforestation to expedite natural regeneration and restore vital ecosystems.
Saturated soils are low in oxygen, and roots will die if they do not get oxygen. When flood waters several feet deep occur for more than several days, turf, shrubs, and herbaceous plants will be extensively damaged or killed by drowning.
Forest fires are tragic for ecosystems. Ecosystems rely heavily on vegetation for resources such as shelter and food. Vegetation is killed leaving the fundamentals of ecology in jeopardy.
Tornados offer no mercy to important ecosystems. Oftentimes, the majority of vegetation is killed by the rampage of a tornado. Trees are affected in a negative way and nature is hindered.
We can escape, but our trees can’t. This natural disaster is tragic not only for mankind but to forests and lands. Millions of trees are affected by the force of mother nature destroying anything and everything in its path.

“Cole and his team arrived in the aftermath of the devastating tornado in 2020. They embarked on a mission to plant thousands of trees, igniting a rapid regeneration of the entire ecosystem.”
Land Owner in Chattanooga, Tennessee.